“Contingent” Construction Workers Particularly At Risk for Injury Accidents
Companies often employ “contingent,” or temporary, contracted construction workers for a variety of reasons. Mainly, it’s cheaper for them. But with the employment of these workers rather than permanent, full-time workers, the companies are seemingly more likely to cut corners in areas of worker safety.
A new white paper from the Center for Progressive Reform (CPR) discusses how these companies put contingent workers at a greater risk of injury and what workers can do to protect themselves. According to the paper, “When hazards lead to work-related injuries, the contingent nature of the employment relationship can exacerbate the negative consequences for the injured worker and society.”
The companies that frequently hire contingent workers may not pay for insurance in order to cover the workers should they get injured. Instead, they may just find a replacement for said injured worker. And if you work in construction, you know just how common this is. Some employers go so far as to use contingent workers but misclassify them as “contractors” in order to save themselves the cost of insurance and taxes.
In the construction field, the report remarks, many of these workers are young men of Hispanic descent, who are performing dangerous job duties. These jobs put the workers at a significant risk of falls, equipment injuries, and more.
The report offers several different suggestions that can help to keep construction workers safe. Among these are empowering workers with more knowledge and training. Informed workers can take safety into their own hands and take the initiative when an employer appears to be violating safety regulations.
Also, the paper suggests, OSHA enforcement needs to be strengthened, statutory (legal) loopholes need to be closed, and foreign-language capabilities need to be improved.
It’s a sad state that some companies would put money ahead of job safety. But, many assume the risks day after day, choosing to save a few dollars rather than ensure a safe working environment. Fortunately, if you are hurt on a job site, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries.
The New York and New Jersey construction accident lawyers of Ginarte can help. Contact us today to discuss your case your legal options. Call (888) GINARTE now.